Heike Delmore Personal Branding Photographer


I’m Heike.

I'm a personal branding image designer, photographer, entrepreneur, speaker & mentor.

Through my personal branding photography, I help empower you to level up and become the person you want to be - both personally and professionally.

Through my online photography business programs, I help you see your own potential and guide you in creating a successful photography business you’ll love. 


“I show the best version of you  back to you."

I help you create, see and believe in the best version of yourself.

A photoshoot with me is a personal and transformational experience.

You tell me how you want to be perceived by the world. You tell me all of the things inside of you, that you haven't had the courage to show the world - but you wish you could. 

Then let me show that version of you - back to you - in your photos.

I believe we create our lives.

“I show you how to take what you’ve got and grow it into a business beyond your limits.”

When you reach a plateau or you aren't sure how to get to the next level, this is where I come in. I help photographers use their strengths to grow and exceed what they thought was possible in life and business.

I write articles on photography, business and personal development to share ideas and resources on how to improve and reach your goals.

I run a life-changing wedding photography business e-course. (It's probably the best wedding course you can take to turn your photography hobby into a full-time profitable business - just saying!) But really, it has helped double the income and change the lives of many new and seasoned photographers.

Part of what you do is pure talent.
The other is a genuine love for making people look their best.
If only everyone approached life that way.

~ Pam Mady


Tell us, what gets you up in the morning and why should we care?

I believe in helping, delighting and surprising people. I believe that we all have the ability to design our own life or business to be as successful and fulfilling as we want it to be. And I believe the power to do so is already within us. Sometimes we just need a little help in connecting all of the dots.

You are an award winning photographer and you run a successful photography business. What inspired you to start taking photos?

My story is very similar to many other photographers. My daughter was born and I purchased my first DSLR camera to take beautiful photos of her. From there, I started a home based shoot-and-burn photography business. But, I soon realized that running a photography business requires more know-how than just taking photos. You have to know how to create a sustainable business.

So you started as a shoot-and-burn photographer, how did you turn your business into such a successful studio?

I go into more detail in my e-course about the exact steps I took. But I realized two things: ONE – I was either going to burn myself out or – TWO I was going to have to close my business. The reason being, the time and effort I was putting into my business was not sustainable. I wanted to go to bed at a normal hour and spend that precious time with my family. So I studied other successful businesses and made small but important changes to my business to be happier overall -- and more profitable!

I read that you spend 8 months of the year traveling or living abroad? How do you book and collect retainers for wedding clients for example, if you are not there to meet them person?

There are some very simple and free things you can do online and on your website to get your ideal clients to like, trust and want to buy from you long before they even meet you in person! Some of these changes are so simple you don’t even realize – but when you put them all together they have a huge impact. 90% of my clients find me online and contact me through my website. Because of this I have been able to live overseas for 8 months at a time with my family.

I want to touch on how to value your work in more detail in a moment. Before we get there, when did you realize you wanted to turn your hobby into a business?

It’s a funny story actually. My husband was a groomsman at his best friend’s wedding. Like all of the other guests there, I was taking photos from the pews in the crowded church. Months later the newlyweds contacted me saying that the professional photographer they hired for their wedding was upset. He had seen my photos of their wedding on Facebook and their wedding contract stated only one professional photographer could be hired for the event. Since I was not a professional, nor was I hired, I contacted the professional photographer to explain. He was still upset. It’s funny now, but it was then that I realized  – I could be a professional! Lemons to lemonade.

How do you deal with competition? And how do you price your work when there are so many people doing the same thing and charging less?

This is a question I get asked a lot. And I believe this is a huge problem that holds so many good photographers back from creating a business they truly love. Think about this: Hyundai hasn't put BMW out of business…

In my e-course I take you through a step-by-step exercise on how you can change your what you'd like, and how to create packages and a price-list. It’s not theoretical – these are the exact steps I used and I saw massive change in my business.

How do you find your ideal clients?

Great question! One important factor: what you show is what you get. For example, if you post baby photos on your website, what are you going to get? Yes, more clients wanting baby photos. So post and show more of what you want and you will receive it.

Since you implemented these changes in your business, what has the outcome been?

I’m happier, I have more time to spend with my family. I can’t wait to get up in the morning and work. I have more flexibility in my day-to-day schedule. I’m more financially secure. And I have learned my time is the most important thing I have.

Why are you sharing your proven strategies in creating a profitable business you will love with other photographers?

I’m not saying I am the best photographer or business person. What I'm doing is sharing what has worked (and still is working) for me -- and what didn’t work for me in building my business.

The purpose is to save you time so you don’t have to waste yours re-inventing the wheel.

This industry can be lonely or even negative at times. Older photographers claiming the industry is dead because newer photographers are coming in and charging next to nothing – shooting and burning – and on and on and on…

I believe the better approach is to help the new photographers. Many new photographers simply don’t know how to create packages or how offer something other than just giving everything away.

I can answer these questions for you – because I used to ask myself the same thing:

  • “I don’t know if my work is good enough yet to turn professional?”

  • “How can I charge so much if it's something I enjoy doing... and would do anyway?"

  • “I'm afraid I will lose all of my clients to cheaper competitors if raise my prices.”

What answers do you have for photographers asking themselves these very questions?

I would love to help anyone who is stuck with these roadblocks and show them step by step, with an actionable approach, the methods I used to overcome them and book my schedule solid with my ideal clients... while still being flexible and having time to travel and spend time with my family.

Professional Bio

Creative Live Heike Delmore Sue Bryce
  • Heike has appeared on CreativeLive as a guest instructor.

  • And was further hand-picked by Sue Bryce as 1 of 9 world-wide contemporary portrait mentors.

  • She has created and runs a life changing e-course on the business of wedding photography.

  • She changes the lives of those she photographs by guiding them to see themselves in a new and improved light.


Heike holds a Hons. B.Sc. from the University of Toronto and an Advanced Designation in E-Commerce from Ryerson University.

Within a year of completing her E-Commerce designation she was asked to teach graphic design and programming at Digital Media Studios by the heavily awarded Isabel Hoffmann (MacLean’s Magazine Honour Roll, for Canadian Excellence). Further, her online & print ad agency work for Thomas Cook while working in Europe won her the award for most bookings over Valentines in Europe. Her portfolio includes blue chip clients like Kraft, GM and MasterCard.

Heike has received numerous awards from the Wedding & Portrait Society, she’s been recognized by her peers as one of the “Top 10 Photographers of the Year.” Her images have also been published in international bridal magazines and websites such as, Wedluxe, Weddingbells, The Wedding Channel, The Knot, and Grace Ormonde.


Starving Artist? No thank-you!
Two minute business money formula for photographers who hate to talk about money.


✓ how often you will want to work and how much time off you will have this year

✓ how to break down money into smaller more comfortable amounts

✓ how to eliminate the yucky feeling when talking about large sums of money

✓ writing down goals gets results proven by Harvard University study

✓ what you should be charging

✓ what your average sale should be
✓ how much you will earn this year

✓ detailed results in my business

Heike - working with you has been the most valuable experience of my life. The knowledge you have shared with me has changed my outlook on the business of photography entirely. You continually inspire me with your optimism and incredible work. I can’t thank you enough for providing me with opportunity to work with you. I now have the life skills and confidence it takes to succeed and I couldn’t have done it without your support and guidance. A million thanks are not enough. P.S. The tip you gave me about having the bride make a list and her assigning to someone to gather the people was a great idea and has made my job much easier.

~ Alex Stevenson www.alexandriastudio.ca
“Heike, Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You just rocked our world in a short 2 minutes or less.

I know that you posted the Free Download for Don’t Say the M-Word 9 months ago, but I couldn’t have been happier to find it today.

My mom and I have a photography business and have been struggling to make our business run SUCCESSFULLY while working our day jobs.

I saw your post in IBWS about creating a market about Sweet 16 and fell in love with the photo. So I started researching your other sites (Facebook, website, pinterest) and came across the download for this PDF.

We have been having such a struggle with pricing and products and believing in our pricing, and believing in our products.... and I know this isn’t the end all be all answer... but it is the most motivation I have felt in quite some time.

I instantly did the formula for myself. Then did again times 2 since my mom and I are partners in the business and then went straight to re evaluating our Pricing PDF, our product list, our collections, everything!

Thank you so so much for this Free Download— It is going to change our business... I am sure of it!”

~ Addie and Chelsie Photo www.addieandchelsiephoto.com
Blog Writing Assistant for Wedding Photographers

Pretty words for your wedding blog! Perfect for photographers who find blog writing time-consuming and difficult. 

This blog writing assistant is perfect for you if you want to:

  • save a ton of time writing blog posts
  • use language that attracts brides-to-be
  • get ideas on what to write about
  • sound eloquent & like a pro
  • be able to write more quality text
  • appeal to more potential brides
  • (**if checkout doesn't work - send me an email and I will send you a paypal invoice)
Add to Cart
“Wow, I am stunned...blown away by how easy it was to write with your wedding blog template Heike. Check it out on my blog link. I can’t believe it took me less then 15 min to come up with pretty words I always wanted to fill my blog with. I cannot thank you enough! Best $30 I ever spent.”
— - Ina McConnell (www.inamcconnellphoto.com)

let’s be


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